Every January (or February if I’ve been busy!) I review the previous year’s wedding photos from all my Cheshire, Liverpool and Wirral weddings. It’s something I love to do, as every wedding has fond memories for me and my team and it’s great to have those memories flood back as I go through each wedding and pull out my favourite images.
2018 was a year of wonderful weddings, terrific temperatures (to both extremes!), beautiful brides, gorgeous grooms and very vibrant venues.
I was so happy to reacquaint myself with some particularly wonderful venues too – Anfield, West Tower Aughton and Peckforton Castle. None of these three have lost any of their sparkle or just sheer stonking excellence as wedding venues. We even bumped in the Liverpool legend that is Jamie Carragher on the Anfield shoot. What a gentleman he was.
Speaking of football, the World Cup caused no end of excitement with one of England’s games falling on the same day as one of my weddings. The word ‘football’ was banned and thankfully no one failed to turn up as a result, although there was some surreptitious slipping away to the public bar to keep up with our match against the Swedes! (I stole a couple of quick glances but only while everyone was eating!)
And what about that summer weather? As I sit here shivering, the memory of the incredible heatwave that seemed to go on forever is a good one! I wonder what this year has in store for us that watch and pray for good weather on a near weekly basis?